I am going through a time of trouble now, a time where failure is always nearby, where hard work never seems to pay off, where confidences gets crushed and lowered, where patience is pushed to the limits, when everything seems so wrong and out of place.
Its at these times where it makes you wonder alot about the life you have now, you start thinking back what has happen, what you've went through, what has happen so far. Its always a relapse, it comes back once in a while, and usually you will always come back with the same answer, nothing seems to be going my way.
These times always come when you are at your best, when you have a new you, a new confidence, a new strenght but then it backfires, down you go into a world of disappointment and failure.
One questions remains, Is there any hope for people like me?
We keep the positive energy, we strive on postive strenght but we have our limits and we fall down tired of the fight, its times like these where we really need love and support because it is at these times no one fully understands the pain we go through.
I Hope things will be better
I Hope I can continue to hang on
I Hope I will be able to find happiness in these hard times
I Hope I will continue to believe that one day all of this will be gone and
I Hope I can find Love
I Hope all my hard work does not go to waste
I Hope I can shed a tear of Happyness one day
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