
Thursday, April 22, 2010

My dreams, Confession of my dreams

Everyday I dream, dream, dream, dream, daydream, night dream, afternoon dream, half way doing things i also can wonder off and dream.

Dreaming is all that i can do because it gives me that moment of happiness and just a place where i really want to be at that time, just a step away from my boring life, just a step away from reality, where i can be everything that i want to be, everything that i want in life.

The things i dream of are things that i have always wish i accomplish in life, one would be of course a relationship which most of the time i would be dreaming of even when i am just standing there, if my mind is bored, it will just start to wander off into my dreams of being with someone next to me, just enjoying and laughing away, never have i see myself so happy excepts in dreams.

Another would be my dream of being someone else other than myself, someone who is way more talented, way more handsome and way better than i am. Someone who i would dream everyone's accept, everyone likes and everybody just takes him in. He has talent, looks and just way better than me. This dreams either is the better side of me winning a sport event or a competition and able to show my strength, another side would be showing talents. I always dreams these cause i never won a medal in a sport event, i can never sing a song beautifully, i am not a singer, i am not a guitarist, i cant play beautiful songs, i am just a drummer,loud messy and uncool huh...

Dream of my hard work paying off, being successful in my first try, after all of the changing, sacrificing, and almost killing myself , dream of becoming someone in school.....someone in my life...

But at the end of the day dreams are all so cruel, all i can do is dream, its give me hope at times, it give me inspiration at times but most of the time it breaks me down, it makes me realize what a failure i at the end of the day on the inside i am still nobody at the end of the day i dont mean a thing to anyone....what a loser i am......i am nobody.....

Dreams are so cruel, cant i just live in a world where i am happy and at peace...