
Thursday, June 11, 2009

The prayer

Most of our life's we pray or wish for something that we want to make our life's better in a way but we at times get dissappointed as to why that one thing never happened or turned up,for example you wish/pray for let say a phone but it does not turn out in front of you F.O.C the way you wanted it or maybe even people giving away to you.

Well I watched the movie evan almigthy and there was that one part where morgan freeman portraying God was speaking to evan's wife Joan. i'll let you watch the video to explain the rest of the story but

One part i find interesting was when God said if someone pray's for patience does He give them patience or a chance to be patient, if somebody prayed for a closer family does He give them a closer family or does He give them the opportunity to have a closer family.

So whatever we wish or pray for the paradox is do you get that wish or prayer or does He give you an opporunity to get that wish or prayer?