
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Remembering Happy, My best friend :)

Today i stumbled upon the movie "Marley and me" The movie really touched my heart and remind me of my own Dalmatian dog whom also passed away of old age. He was with me for more than 10years, from the day i enter high school to the day i left to further my study, he was always there and i really loved what Owen Wilson said at the end of the movie.

A dog don't care if you're rich or poor, clever, dull, smart or dumb...give him your heart and he'll give you his."
"How many people can you say that about?"
"How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special?"
"How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"

Truly whatever was said in those lines is true to the day Happy left this world for a better place, He never ever made me feel any pain at all when i come home, just the sight of him when i come home really puts a smile on my face, he was always there to cheer me up when i was down, he was always there for pats, hugs and kisses. I just wished I could have given him more, given him a better life, given him much more before he left, loved him more and show him that i love him too.

Dear Happy,
I know you are up there in heaven, a better place than here. I never got to say "I love you and i am sorry for all the pain i caused to you, I never got to say how special you are to me, how great of a friend you are to me and you will always be in my heart" Till the day we meet in heaven, you will always be right next to my heart and i will never forget you. Thank you for making my days so much better, thank you for showing love when none cared, thank you for everything. Truly you are my best friend. Rest in peace Happy and i will meet you there one day. I love you.