
Monday, March 01, 2010

No more CNY but look ahead what's up

As everybody know yesterday was the last day of Cny, which is usually called as chap goh meh, please forgive and correct me if my spelling is wrong. Usually on this last day, families will enjoy a feast together and of course the usual sounds of fireworks will fill the air until the last final hours left of our Chinese New Year. As sad i am to say Cny is over and February is over, i am happy that march has arrived.

Another new month ahead of me which i am sure would be filled with work, fun, up, down ,left. right and only God knows what else. I look ahead to my time in March as the first two months felt like almost a year, i sigh a relief to know that its only march but in that also a relisation of the time i have left in 2010.

Well it would be for one or two obvious reasons why i love/like the month of march. The main thing i would love to see as i write down my first post of march is a couple of things, i would like to see some happyness and peace in life, I would like to see some excitement, changes are for sure, well some new pretty girls to met would be nice, something exciting and interesting happening ( the good fun one not the stressful until i want to die type), so many more to say, so little time to do. only so much i can expect to come true, only so much will happen by God willing, of course one thing in concern would be a special day in my life which i have taken for granted my whole life, not treating a special day to myself, not showing myself some love and appreciation by appreciating the day i arrive into earth and life.

Here come and goes another past in my life, feb has been a difficult time, there are the good and bads but i always try to look on the positive side as best as i can.

March, well i am never a far seeir type, the future planning type but i can forsee a month of excitement,hope and love for me....I hope and pray =P but whatever it is i am glad i am still alive this day to live my 19th march of the year in my whole life, with friends and family near and dear to me, i would not expect much for this month and the special day but one thing i overlook is the day i was born into this world, i should appreciate it and love myself for being here, though not receiving much, i must love myself andf treat it a special day for myself, because this was the day my parents gave birth to me, the day God created and gave me life onto earth, the day i first drew breath and started my life's journey.

Well March, let us March on together to a greaet month ahead. Dear God i pray, this march would be a March to remember for.