Good tidings to you fellow blog viewers, i am here once again with another post.
It is yet another week and day of my life, this week seems to be different that the rest of the week.
Why you ask? Because i have God with me there all the way, for the first time in my life, i am not sorrowful and in depression but what is most exciting is that God has reveal so many new things in my life.
In this week, i was able to experience the new me, that is now, i was never so changed and renewed, now everyday i am able to fulfill my quota of study and still have time for exercise and by God's good grace i was able to lose weight. The most exciting part is when i went jogging, i was persevering and patience.
Not to brag but this is the first time i was able to jog non stop, although there are times where i would slow down and do a slow jog but the best part of is there was time i wanted to stop and just walk somehow i did not stop, i kept on going, i went down all the way to the temple, went down hill some more and then non stop all the way uphill.
Dont know why but i just did not want to stop, i want to keep going but my legs could not anymore. Woa i have to day God was there with me all the way, giving me push, some how i feel him right beside me and coaching me on and giving me support.
All in all this week is a very blessed day and he has been so good to me, giving me comfort and guidance but most of all showing me love and compassion, when i want to be emo, i just look to him and instantly i am better, i have defeated the demon of depression in me.
I am change because of him and i believe he has many things installed for me.
Everyday is a new day, the old has gone the new has come, be glad in it and rejoice.
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